JOURNAL OF PUNJAB COLLEGE OF EDUCATION research into the human experience adds to our knowledge about our world and provide the ideal foundation for exploring and understanding that how people process and take the human experience. Social sciences directly involve people. Research in social sciences arena deals with the behavior of people in their different roles and the systematic method of discovering new facts or of verifying old facts, their sequence, inter-relationship, casual explanations and the natural laws which cover them.
Multidisciplinary Journal of Punjab College of Commerce and Agriculture publishes high quality contributions on topics related to Agribusiness and Commerce and provides managers, researchers and teachers with a forum, where they can publish and acquire research results, case studies and reviews, which are important to the global food chain. Multidisciplinary Journal of Punjab College of Commerce and Agriculture is an Open Access Journal. Submitted manuscripts should have a relationship to the economics of agriculture, natural resources, environment, or rural development.Papers should have a practical orientation and demonstrate innovation in analysis, methods, or application. Topic areas include production economics and farm management, agricultural policy, agricultural environmental issues, tourism, regional planning and rural development, methodology, marketing of agricultural and food products, international trade and development, sport management.Research on a significant economic component, analyses of problems connected to research, extension, and teaching of the International MBA Network in Agribusiness and Commerce are also encouraged.
American Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies (2993-2157) - is open-access peer-reviewed research on the theory, practice, processes, and outcomes of diplomacy in both its traditional state-based forms, as well as contemporary diplomatic expressions practiced by states and...